The Technical Services SIS Preservation Committee, specifically in the person of Celia Gavett, Head of Continuing Resources & Collection Maintenance at Columbia University, has been posting a Preservation Tip of the Month since April 2013. To make sure as many people as possible see the tips, we will be re-posting them on the LIPA blog. But I suggest you check out the previous tips, some good stuff there. Here’s the May tip from Celia.
Does your library have plans to observe May Day? In addition to the traditional celebrations associated with May 1st, the Society of American Archivists encourages information professionals to reflect on the current state of our libraries and archives. Check out some Ideas for MayDay Activities, such as running through scenario exercises with your staff, or refresh your knowledge with some MayDay Quick Tips drawn from the NEDCC.
If you have topics you would like to see highlighted, or suggestions for resources, please send those to Lauren Seney at or Celia Gavett at