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Digital Project Collections


LSU Faculty Publications

created by the LSU Law Library

This collection includes published books, book chapters, and journal articles written by the LSU Law Center faculty.


LSU Law School Publications and History

created by the LSU Law Library

This is a collection of the law reviews and journals published by LSU's Law School. It includes 3 journals: the Louisiana Law Review, the Journal of Civil Law Studies, and the LSU Journal of Energy Law and Resources.


Lewis F. Powell Collection

created by the Washington and Lee University Law Library

This collection contains digitized SCOTUS case files and other materials from Lewis F. Powell, Jr.'s judicial papers.


McGeorge School of Law Institutional Repository (University of the Pacific)

created by the McGeorge School of Law Library

Scholarship is a core priority for the Pacific McGeorge faculty. Among their scholarly pursuits, Pacific McGeorge faculty develop and present at scholarly symposia and conferences, author books for the legal profession, students, and the general public, and produce scholarship for top journals around the country and the world.


Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Project

collaboratively created by the University of Oklahoma College of Law Library and the National Indian Law Library

The Project was created as a cooperative effort between the University of Oklahoma College of Law Library and the National Indian Law Library (NILL), to provide access to the tribal constitutions, codes, and other legal documents. Project Coordinators were David Selden (NILL) and Marilyn Nicely (OU).


Nürnberg Krupp Trial Papers of Judge Hu C. Anderson

created by the Alyne Queener Massey Law Library

This collection of fifty archival boxes of Judge Hu C. Anderson’s personal trial papers, stored in the Vanderbilt University Law Library, represent his experience as presiding judge of subsequent Nürnberg Trial 10, formally known as Military Tribunal III: the United States of America vs. Alfried Felix Alwyn Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, et al.


OSU Law School Publications and History

created by the Moritz Law Library at Ohio State University

A continually growing collection of the law school's law reviews, alumni publications, and class composite photos.


Paul M. Herbert Speeches Collection

created by the LSU Law Library

The Paul M. Herbert speeches were selected from his personal files. Dean Herbert was the longest serving dean of Louisiana State University's Law School.


Paul V. Hadley v. State of Arizona Original Photographic Exhibits

created by the Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library at James E. Rogers College of Law

The digitization of original photographic exhibits introduced by the State of Arizona to establish the gift of Paul Hadley. These original photographic exhibits are the first recorded use of forensic ballistics evidence recognized by a Supreme Court. The photographs were gifted to the Arizona College of Law in 1952.


Roger Williams University School of Law Library Publications

created by the Roger Williams University School of Law Library

A collection of law library materials, including newsletters and library faculty publications.

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