Digital Project Collections

Colorado House and Senate Journals
created by the William A. Wise Law Library at Colorado Law
The Colorado House and Senate Journals digital collection contains the complete volume of every journal from 1861 to 1998 held by the University of Colorado Law Library. This collection is linked to the Colorado Sessions Laws and together they can be used to conduct simplified Colorado legislative history research.

Colorado Session Laws
created by the William A. Wise Law Library at Colorado Law
This digital collection contains the session laws enacted by the Colorado Legislature starting with the first session of the Colorado Territorial Government in 1861. Construction of the digital collection is ongoing and new years are being added every month. Currently, the collection contains years 1961-1997.

Creighton University Law School Publications and History
created by the Creighton University Law Library
Digitized material relevant to the history of Creighton University School of
Law; provide access to unique collections in the Law Library, including Creighton Law Review volumes, Nebraska
Supreme Court Briefs, faculty publications and oral histories.

David H. Getches Collection
created by the William A. Wise Law Library at Colorado Law
The David H. Getches Collection at the William A. Wise Law Library is dedicated to preserving and sharing Dean Getches' tremendous legal and educational legacy, as reflected in his scholarship, academic speeches, congressional testimony, and litigation.

Delaney Tokyo Papers
created by the Creighton University Law Library
This collection of papers was originally owned by Thomas Ronald Delaney (Creighton Law '30) and came into his possession during his participation as part of the Tojo prosecution team during the International Military Tribunal of the Far East from 1947-1948.

Georgetown University Law Center Repository
created by the Georgetown University Law Center Library
Digitized collection of bound volumes, unbound paper and photographic materials, microfilm and microfiche, audio, and video. Collection also includes monthly crawls of our website using Archive-It, and we collect born-digital materials and upload faculty publications to bepress, and other legal materials of lasting value to the Legal Information Archive.

Georgia State Law Scholarship and Publications Reading Room
created by the Georgia State University College of Law Library
The Reading Room digital archive reflects and preserves the scholarship and history of the Georgia State University College of Law. It is a service of the Georgia State University Law Library.

Indiana University's I-Witness Collection
created by the Jerome Hall Law Library at Indiana University - Maurer School of Law
The I-Witness was a Law School publication intended for alumni, published from 1959 to 1968. The publication contained items of interest to alumni, including class reunions, faculty and building news, obituaries of notable alumni, speeches by the University President, and comments from the Dean. The I-Witness ceased publication after the May 1968 issue when the Indianapolis Division was split off from Bloomington and became a free-standing law school.